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Care Quality Commission Inspection (CQC)
Our last inspection was on 3rd October 2019 and we were delighted with the results rating us as Good overall.
The inspection was carried out by two inspectors who had telephoned and spoken to fifteen people and six relatives before the site visit.
During the inspection, the inspectors spoke with six members of staff including the registered manager, operations manager, three supervisors and a healthcare assistant. They reviewed a range of records. This included seven people’s care records and medication records. They looked at four staff files in relation to recruitment and staff supervision. A variety of records relating to the management of the service, including policies and procedures were also reviewed.
After the inspection, the inspectors received feedback from seven professionals who have a working partnership with Kardinal Healthcare.
The inspection was split into five categories, a summary of feedback from the report can be found below: For a full report click on the link on our home page or visit the CQC website on www.cqc.org.uk
Care Quality Commission Rated 'Good'
We pride ourselves in our rating from the CQC.
Report Breakdown
People told us unreservedly that the staff made them feel safe. One person said, ‘I do feel safe with my carers especially while we are out. Staff sometimes stay longer than planned if needed. They never rush, they leave when they leave.’ Another person said, “I know all the staff. They’ve been coming such a long time we all know each each other.’ One relative told us, ‘She has quite a small team of carers, identified carers, and I feel she’s in good hands.’
People and their relatives told us they had confidence in the skills and knowledge of the staff. One person told us, ‘Yes, they know a lot about what they should do and how to do it. They always do things in the correct way.’ One family member said, ‘All the ones I’ve seen have seemed confident and competent. They encourage (their relative) to do things and they seem good at what they do.’ Another person said, ‘They are very well trained – excellent. Nothing phases them. I have to say one of the carers saved my life as I had been having blackouts. She realised I was not at all well and called the ambulance. She phoned the office and told them and stayed with me until the ambulance came when I was rushed to critical care.’
People were consistently positive about the caring attitude of the staff. One person said, ‘They are absolutely caring and compassionate. I feel so fragile and they are just so kind to me. It’s hard and I would be lost without them, I couldn’t cope at all.’ Another person said, ‘They do little things like when they know my partner will be away, they ask if I need anything or anything else doing because they know I’ll be on my own.’
Care plans were detailed and provided personalised information for staff. Regular reviews had ensured that information was kept up to date, identified changes in people’s needs and reflected the care that was provided. One person said, ‘Yes, I’ve had to change the times because of appointments or visits and that’s been alright. If I’ve asked for things to be added to the plan it’s no problem, it’s been changed straight away.’
People and their relatives said they were happy with the care and would recommend the service. One person said, ‘It’s a good service, they’ve never let me down. There’s never been a problem with a carer, they’ve never cancelled a visit. I’ve got complete confidence in them.’